Tagged: Alcoholics Anonymous

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Perspective of a Caring Christian

“The inability of many people to understand persons not having a carbon copy of their own stories is surprising.” By Rick A. Do I make it easier or harder for members of AA who...

Jim Burwell

By Linda R. Jim Burwell’s contribution to Alcoholics Anonymous is truly significant and second only to that of AA’s two co-founders, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith. Jim is credited with adoption of A.A.’s Third...

An Atheist at Alcoholics Anonymous

By Frank B. I am crunched tight in the fetal position, whimpering pitifully on a piss-stained carpet covered with a layer of crushed plastic Wild Oak Cider bottles. I have ended pretty much every...


AA’s Greatest Danger – Rigidity

Bob Pearson (1917-2008) was General Manager of the General Service Office from 1974 to 1984, and then served as Senior Advisor to the G.S.O. from 1985 until his retirement. His story is in the...


Thinking about Christopher Hitchens

By John M. Author, essayist and journalist Christopher Hitchens died on December 15, 2011. Ever the critic of religion and commonly linked with other popular writers like Richard Dawkins, Daniel C. Dennett and Sam Harris...


The Only Requirement Group

The fifth AA agnostic group in Canada is now holding regular meetings in Halifax, Nova Scotia. (There are three groups in Toronto and one in Montreal.) One of its founding members shares the experience,...

Christmas Time

Christmas, Christians, Lepers and Alcoholics

By bob k All AA members, both Christians and non-Christians, so easily joined together during the recent holidays in shared sentiments of kindness, selflessness and the love of our fellow man. Above all is...

Fire Line

Let the Wood Burn

Let the wood burn, ladies and gents. It will all be ashes soon. Remember we haven’t done anything wrong, which means we don’t have (anything) to fix. Joe C. By Roger C. Joe C....

Indy Night Skyline

Indy We Agnostics Re-Listed

By Roger C. The first nonbeliever’s group ever to be booted off an “official” AA meeting list has been re-listed. The Indianapolis We Agnostics group was actually de-listed twice. The first time was  in...

Dark Path

Faye’s Story

By Faye P. My name is Faye and I am an alcoholic. Like everyone else who has made this admission, it was not supposed to be this way… I began drinking at the age...


The Spirituality of Imperfection

We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection. Bill W. By Roger C. If you were a member of AA and woke up tomorrow morning inspired to write a book about the spirituality of...

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