Tagged: Agnostics

Athiest billboard

Six Shades of Nonbelievers

By Joe C. The nonbeliever world is a hexagon shaped world, according to a University of Tennessee finding. Christopher Silver and Thomas Coleman III derived their six types of nonbelievers based on an analysis of interviews across the...

An AA Convention For We Agnostics

By Roger C Roger: Thank you Pam for agreeing to do this interview. You’re a member of the steering committee that is now hard at work planning a We Agnostics and Free Thinkers (WAFT)...

Beyond Belief

Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life

Review by Carol M. Finally! A daily reflection book for nonbelievers, freethinkers and everyone, Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life offers 365 quips for every alcoholic/addict. Drawing on quotes from writers, skeptics,...

Hail Mary Pass

Short of a Game Changer – Appendix II

By bob k Possibly the most famous single play in the history of American football took place in 1984, and involved a player who would later star for the Toronto Argonauts in the Canadian...

AA Medallion

Pharisees and Recalcitrants

By Joe C. When asked about AA’s lack of rules and why we didn’t need them, Bill Wilson said, “AA is self-correcting.” It may be that Toronto Intergroup’s first controversial action of banning AA...

Fireworks Year I

One Year Old!

By Roger C. It all began with an uncivil act. It was a thoughtless act without compassion or concern for the wellbeing of other women and men in the fellowship suffering from the same...

Charlie P

Father of We Agnostics Dies

Charlie Polacheck was the co-founder of the first AA meeting ever to be called “We Agnostics” in Los Angeles, California, in 1980. He achieved another first when, in 2001, he launched another “We Agnostics” meeting,...


Does AA Need Religion: Agnostics on CBC Radio‏

By bob k In May of 2011, with the ‘delisting’ of two Toronto AA groups, Beyond Belief and We Agnostics, Toronto Intergroup hoped to quickly and quietly put an end to their problem of...


The “Don’t Tell” Policy in AA

By Roger C. There often seems to be an unofficial policy in Alcoholics Anonymous especially for nonbelievers at AA meetings: “Don’t Tell.” It is a policy imposed by just a few but rarely challenged. If you are an...

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