Tagged: AA

Big Book

Big Bookism

By Don S. At a meeting recently, I heard a guy say: “You’ll hear a lot of crazy stuff in meetings. When you do, just ask them “‘Where is that in the Big Book?’”...

Wilson House

Young Bill Wilson – Part Two

By bob k The Prequel Begins It was the night before Thanksgiving when the pains of child labor drove Emily Griffiths Wilson from preparations for the next day’s meal. Emily’s pains drove her from out...

Young Bill Wilson

Young Bill Wilson – Part One

By bob k Part One (Prequel to a Prequel) War fever ran high in the New England town to which we new, young officers from Plattsburg were assigned, and we were flattered when the first...

Charles B. Towns

By bob k December 11, 1934  Bill Wilson should have been desperate, depressed, and beyond all optimism, when he arrived at Towns Hospital to undergo a fourth and final detox.  Following his Armistice Day...


And when we were wrong…

By Frank M. I wanted to do this thing right. I wanted to do it by the Big Book. In fact I was pretty sure I needed to, because I appeared to be dying....

Athiest billboard

Six Shades of Nonbelievers

By Joe C. The nonbeliever world is a hexagon shaped world, according to a University of Tennessee finding. Christopher Silver and Thomas Coleman III derived their six types of nonbelievers based on an analysis of interviews across the...


A Buddhist’s Views on AA

The difficulty the program struggles with isn’t in its basic prescription. The trouble instead resides in the way that message is often presented. By Taiyu In Buddhism there is a myth about a hell-realm...

Father Pete Watters

One’s religion is an outside issue

By Thomas B. Like many folks at AA Agnostica and elsewhere, I’m most disappointed by the decision of the General Service Board and Conference to again not publish the proposed pamphlet, “AA — Spiritual,...

Broken Face

Women and AA

By Amy Gutman The first time I walked into an AA meeting, I knew I was in the right place. It was a small women’s meeting on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where...


An Atheist in AA

By Megan D. When I entered our Program some 33 years ago, I was a complete cynic about life in general and the term “god” made me nauseous in particular. Actually, I was ‘terminally...

An AA Convention For We Agnostics

By Roger C Roger: Thank you Pam for agreeing to do this interview. You’re a member of the steering committee that is now hard at work planning a We Agnostics and Free Thinkers (WAFT)...

Horizon of Hope

First AA Meetings

By Thomas B. A couple of years ago, my wife Jill and I were visiting my daughters and grandkids in Frederick, Maryland. We found an open Big Book meeting listed on the Internet at...

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