Tagged: sobriety

Alcoholic Woman

Ann’s Story

Chapter 18: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Ann M. Already in kindergarten I felt different from others. I often felt ashamed and that I couldn’t do things right. I mostly...

A New Man

A New Man

Chapter 15: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA David B. Coming to: What happened? Where am I? Who am I? Most alcoholics are familiar with this feeling: an abyss of loss...

Practical Book

A Special Project: The Practical Book

by Roger C. We are today launching a special project. A book. A special book. It is a book that would fit perfectly in Alcoholics Anonymous. Anyone in AA could read it and benefit from...

Walk Away

Another Apostate in Sobriety

Chapter 13: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Kit G. Apostate: Noun, a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle. Synonyms: dissenter, defector, deserter, traitor, backslider, turncoat. Looking...


Returning to My Spiritual Roots in Sobriety

Chapter 4 Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Julie B. I’m an urban Aboriginal woman who was raised by a single mother of European descent. Although I did beadwork and occasionally...

Out Of The Closet

Out of the Closet

An atheist shares about her long sober journey in Alcoholics Anonymous By Anonymous Published online by the AA Grapevine in March 2015. Copyright ©  AA Grapevine. It’s 8:35 p.m. on Saturday and the speaker has just...


Living with Lillian

Living with Lillian: A reader’s look at a pioneering book in secular recovery by Joe C. Supposedly, belief in God is not required to join AA, and one might even get sober, but according...


From Believer to Non-Believer

At around 8 years sober, he redefined his Higher Power By Bob S., Louisville, Ky. Published online by the AA Grapevine in November 2014. Copyright ©  AA Grapevine My journey in AA began in 1985 and...

Grapevine AA

A Grapevine Book for Atheists and Agnostics in AA

By life-j. The Grapevine is turning 70. And it is actually a good little magazine. It publishes a broader variety of recovery stories than what may commonly be considered AA fare these days. Ever...


A Higher Purpose

By Wayne M. I am an alcoholic and have been sober for over nine years. I am also an agnostic/atheist who attends AA on a regular basis. Many people have asked how I as...

The Bird In Your Hands

By Ivan K. A salesman was traveling from Toronto to London and got lost. He stopped at a farmer’s place to ask directions, and this is the conversation between the two of them: Salesman,...



The AA Grapevine published this article by J. L. of Oakland, California, which it called Atheist, in its January 1980 issue. At the time J. L. was eight years sober. When J. L. reached 16 years of...

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