Tagged: sobriety

Sober a Long Time – Now What?

By Jeanine Bassett A few years ago, I perused the literature table at a local AA conference (HOWL in Hood River, Oregon).  Noting the daily meditation books, many of which I’d been reading for...

Dr Wilson and Mr Hide

By life-j Biographies of Bill Wilson, while not telling us anything which is actually untrue, do tend to look mostly at the Saint Bill, “plus a few problems too hard to overlook”, such as...

Women for Sobriety and The New Life Program

By WFS Staff and Volunteers Women for Sobriety is an international abstinence-based recovery organization for women. WFS offers a non-professional, self-help and mutual aid program known as the New Life Program. A fundamental part...

Staying Sober Without God

Staying Sober Without God

Review by Heather C. Staying Sober Without God is an exciting addition to the growing body of literature which approaches sobriety from a non-religious point of view. Author, therapist and former addict Jeffrey Munn...


What Happens During an Alcoholic Blackout?

Excessive drinking can interrupt the brain’s ability to form memories. By Ruben Castaneda Originally published on Oct. 8, 2018, US News and World Report Sarah Hepola experienced her first blackout from drinking when she...

Identity Evolution

The Evolution of Identity

By David B. Bohl I used to identify in a very specific way. In the beginning of my recovery journey and my adoptee journey I was given two words to describe myself and my...


Moments of Clarity

By life-j I’ve always loved hearing stories where people talk about their moment of clarity. That’s where recovery begins. A friend talked about how he was on a thousand mile drunken trip with a...

Recovery Capital

Recovery Capital

Recovery Capital is a concept that’s changing the recovery landscape across Canada. Until now, research in the field of substance abuse has been mostly focused on the pathology of addiction, with the aim to understand...


Secular Sobriety Group First Anniversary

We heartily encourage secular groups to let others know about their meetings, as Michel has done, by writing about them and having the stories published in their local AA newsletters. This article was first published in the Ottawa...


An Activist in Sobriety

Chapter 25: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA John L. Some alcoholics are born that way – periodic drunks, who can stay away from a drink for a long time, but...


My Name is Marnin

Chapter 21: Do Tell: Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA  Marnin M. My name is Marnin and I’m an alcoholic and an agnostic/atheist. Marnin is Hebrew for he who brings joy, a singer of...

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