Tagged: recovery


Moments of Clarity

By life-j I’ve always loved hearing stories where people talk about their moment of clarity. That’s where recovery begins. A friend talked about how he was on a thousand mile drunken trip with a...

Recovery Capital Conference

Recovery Capital Conference of Canada

By Joe C. “Having been at addiction-oriented events across the USA and Canada I have found that we are creating addiction experts; that’s great. But I go to these things and I ask myself,...

The Talking Cure in Recovery

Originally published in DARA, a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Thailand A Problem Shared is a Problem Halved A popular proverb claims that a problem shared is a problem halved. There is good evidence...


Trauma and Addiction are Indisputably Linked

By David B. Bohl Originally posted on July 16, 2018 on David B. Bohl Parallel Universes I don’t know a lot of people with addiction whose stories don’t include the kind of experiences that...


Can Mindfulness Meditation Prevent Relapse?

By Elizabeth Brico Published in The Fix on February 21, 2018 Mindfulness meditation teaches people how to accept suffering as a normal, cohesive experience, and then move on from it. Relapse has always been...

Addiction Recovery Character

Addiction, Recovery, and Personal Character

By Bill White This article was published on February 16, 2018, in the William L. White Papers. The devastating effects of addiction on physical/emotional health and social functioning have been meticulously catalogued, but far...


Blowing the Gate Away

By Tom L. The gates restricting access into AA are being essentially blown away with explosions in recent years of secular literature, meetings, websites and conferences. Detonations in North America and beyond make this...


Parallel Universes: The Story of Rebirth

A Review by Thomas B. According to Forbes Magazine, some 85 books are published in the US every hour. That’s hundreds of thousands of new titles each year — 744,600 to be precise, plus...

Road to recovery

Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada

Without sobriety, I have zero quality of life. I became a liability to society. I now love myself and have compassion for others. I’m honest and dependable. I respect myself and am respected. I...


The Karma of Recovery

By Bill White Originally published on December 8, 2017 on the William L. White Papers The concept of karma holds that one’s fate in this life or future lives is not a random roll...


Recovery Pathways are not always a Pathway

By Bill White Originally posted on June 3, 2016 on the William White Papers The addiction recovery experience has been sliced and diced in all manner of categories: secular, spiritual, and religious; natural recovery,...

Bill White

Recovery Rising – Review

Recovery Rising: A Retrospective of Addiction Treatment and Recovery Advocacy by William L. White Review by Linda Farris Kurtz, MSW, DPA, Emeritus Professor, Eastern Michigan University School of Social Work I first met Bill...


Each Breath a Gift – Review

By Jan A. Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question. ~ ee cummings The first quote is used as the tag line after Thomas’ signature in his emails. I always want to respond...

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