What is AA?
Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Forty. Originally posted in March 2019. AA is a fellowship of people who help each other stay sober and live a better life. By Roger C. Let’s go simple with...
Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Forty. Originally posted in March 2019. AA is a fellowship of people who help each other stay sober and live a better life. By Roger C. Let’s go simple with...
Scientific study from a book about Recovery Pathways: Measurable factors that can improve or impede our outcome rates Review by Joe C. David Best’s Pathways to Recovery and Desistance: The role of the social...
By Pat N. Today, after the meeting, you asked me to be your sponsor, and I said “yes”. You deserve to know what I meant by that, and you need to know what I’ll...
By Bethany D. Introduction: AA Without God Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people recover from alcoholism. The stories told in the Big Book, personal testimonies in meetings and the twelve suggested steps have...
By Diane I I never intended or wanted to be an alcoholic or even a person who drank too much. I was actually afraid of alcohol in high school and didn’t start to drink...
By Roger C. Let’s go simple with the answer to this question. Fellowship We can start with the first sentence of the AA Preamble published in 1947 in the Grapevine magazine: Alcoholics Anonymous is...
A few days ago I got an email from a woman, Emma. It was not at all an unusual email and followed a rather common motif. Emma had spent a bit of time reading...
An Atheist’s Experience in AA My name is Paul, and I am an alcoholic. I am an atheist. I believe there probably is no God. I cannot prove there is no God, because it...
“The continuing use of the Lord’s Prayer in a group that tries to tell people it is ‘spiritual not religious’ is why words like ‘hypocrisy’ were invented.” By Dillon Murphy Published on October 16,...
By Martine R. If I have indeed “come to believe” anything in my 14 years of sobriety, it is that attendance at AA meetings keeps me sober. Nothing else. For several excruciating years after...
Chapter 28: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA By Alyssa S. I’m sitting here reflecting upon the day of St. Valentine. It is bitterly cold outside. It’s time in my recovery...
Chapter 25: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA John L. Some alcoholics are born that way – periodic drunks, who can stay away from a drink for a long time, but...
Chapter 23: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA John C. I started drinking at 30 years old. This was because my father was an alcoholic. He was not a bar drinker,...
By D.G. I was born and raised on a farm in rural Virginia, and many times have heard my parents and older members of my family and community recount tales of their daily lives...