Tagged: AA


The “Don’t Tell” Policy in AA

By Roger C. There often seems to be an unofficial policy in Alcoholics Anonymous especially for nonbelievers at AA meetings: “Don’t Tell.” It is a policy imposed by just a few but rarely challenged. If you are an...

Christmas Time

Christmas, Christians, Lepers and Alcoholics

By bob k All AA members, both Christians and non-Christians, so easily joined together during the recent holidays in shared sentiments of kindness, selflessness and the love of our fellow man. Above all is...

Is AA Just For Christians?

By Barb C. Copyright © AA Grapevine (October, 2003) At the beginning of every meeting of my home group, we read, “AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does...


Women and Alcohol

By Amelia C. In November, Ann Dowsett Johnston wrote a series of articles for The Toronto Star on alcohol abuse, with a specific focus on the experiences of women. The articles covered a wide...

Fire Line

Let the Wood Burn

Let the wood burn, ladies and gents. It will all be ashes soon. Remember we haven’t done anything wrong, which means we don’t have (anything) to fix. Joe C. By Roger C. Joe C....

Indy Night Skyline

Indy We Agnostics Re-Listed

By Roger C. The first nonbeliever’s group ever to be booted off an “official” AA meeting list has been re-listed. The Indianapolis We Agnostics group was actually de-listed twice. The first time was  in...

Dark Path

Faye’s Story

By Faye P. My name is Faye and I am an alcoholic. Like everyone else who has made this admission, it was not supposed to be this way… I began drinking at the age...


The Spirituality of Imperfection

We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection. Bill W. By Roger C. If you were a member of AA and woke up tomorrow morning inspired to write a book about the spirituality of...

Who is a Member of Alcoholics Anonymous?

The way our “worthy” alcoholics have sometimes tried to judge the “less worthy” is, as we look back on it, rather comical. Imagine, if you can, one alcoholic judging another! Bill W. By Bill...

Let Me Think for Myself!

By Harold B. Punta Gorda, Florida Copyright © A.A. Grapevine, Inc. (December, 1989) I am mad!  Isn’t that a helluva way to start, particularly when I want to say something and have somebody listen? ...

Ajlun Castle Steps

You Cannot NOT Interpret the Steps!

By John M. Last May 14th I attended the annual Toronto Round Up which featured three speakers, two from Ontario and, the other, the headliner, a long standing, highly respected member of AA from...

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