Tagged: AA

An Atheist at Alcoholics Anonymous

By Frank B. I am crunched tight in the fetal position, whimpering pitifully on a piss-stained carpet covered with a layer of crushed plastic Wild Oak Cider bottles. I have ended pretty much every...

The Historical Role of Intergroups in AA

By Linda R. A fellowship without rules and regulations Bill Wilson, AA’s co-founder, wrote this in the July 1946 Grapevine: So long as there is the slightest interest in sobriety, the most unmoral, the...

Charlie P

Father of We Agnostics Dies

Charlie Polacheck was the co-founder of the first AA meeting ever to be called “We Agnostics” in Los Angeles, California, in 1980. He achieved another first when, in 2001, he launched another “We Agnostics” meeting,...


AA’s Greatest Danger – Rigidity

Bob Pearson (1917-2008) was General Manager of the General Service Office from 1974 to 1984, and then served as Senior Advisor to the G.S.O. from 1985 until his retirement. His story is in the...

Separation of Church and AA

By Don S. Des Moines We Agnostics I stopped praying in meetings years ago, but held hands while others did. I recently stopped doing that, too. I now remain seated during the prayer. This...


Working The AA Program

By John L. Several years ago, at a meeting of the Boston Crossroads group, a speaker said: “Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship — of people working their individual programs.” This got me thinking. There...

Step 1

The Silver Tongued Devil and I

By Joe C. “Keep me safe in the company of those who seek the truth and safe from those who profess to have found it.” I don’t know who said that but with this...

Detroit (1930s) I

AA in the 1930s: God As We Understood Him

By bob k The wheels were set in motion for what would eventually become Alcoholics Anonymous at Bill Wilson’s kitchen table in November of 1934. Bill’s old school chum and sometime drinking buddy, Ebby...


The Only Requirement Group

The fifth AA agnostic group in Canada is now holding regular meetings in Halifax, Nova Scotia. (There are three groups in Toronto and one in Montreal.) One of its founding members shares the experience,...


The Varieties of Recovery Experience

The roads to recovery are many. Bill W, 1944. By Roger C. At about 40 pages in length, The Varieties of Recovery Experience is an intriguing essay. Written in 2005, the title is reminiscent of William...

School Children

Our Father Who Art Not in Public Schools

By bob k The Professional Golfers’ Association of America (to its own embarrassment) had a “Caucasians Only” membership policy until 1962. Viewing a recent miniseries about the Kennedys reminded me that it took the...

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