Tagged: AA

One Way

A 12 Step Agnostic

By Steve K. As a child I had the common experience of growing up in a home with an alcoholic parent. My stepfather was a daily drinker who was incapable of forming a loving relationship...


AA Membership: Growth or Decline?

By Joe C. AA’s General Service Conference takes its own inventory, a process that has spanned several years. How well do we AAs meet our responsibility to reach out our hand, anytime, anywhere? Data...


The Jellinek Curve

By life-j. E. M. Jellinek (“Bunky”) is among other things said to be the father of the “Jellinek Curve” which we saw here at AA Agnostica a while back. He was also one of...

Why It Works

Why It Works

By Thomas B. Before I went to my first AA meetings, I was pretty sure I knew what AA was all about. I had seen a couple of old B&W movies, depicting AA as...

700 Club

I Lost My Faith and Happily So

Chapter 3 Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA By John S. It’s hard to believe, but it was twenty-six years ago when I attended my first AA meeting, and fortunately I’ve...

How It Works

A New “How It Works”

By John S. Writing the book Alcoholics Anonymous, what we today call the Big Book, was a moment of genius and creativity. I can just imagine the excitement in the room when Bill read...


A Pamphlet for AA Agnostics?

The Alcoholics Anonymous Literature Committee in Great Britain will be presenting a pamphlet for and by agnostic and atheist members to its 2016 Conference. A sub-committee is looking for articles written by AA members in Great Britain and...

No God

Rewriting the 12 Steps for Atheists

By Tracy Chabala One of the biggest concerns of many AA newbies is the “God thing.” I sympathize, because I still have an issue with the God thing after eight years in AA. I’ve...

Social World

The Social World of Alcoholics Anonymous

Reviewed by Nigel S. I would like to begin by stating the obvious. I have no credentials to shake at the content on this book, only an admission that I am an alcoholic with short...

Atlanta Convention I

Atlanta 2015 We Agnostics Talk

The 2015 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous was held in Atlanta, Georgia, between July 1 and 5. There were reportedly some 60,000 people in attendance. The theme of the Convention was “80 years – Happy,...

The Great Chain of Being

By Adam N. I was a mere lad of 26 when I was flown off to a treatment facility deep in the Minnesota woods, in the midst of an icy, snow-covered winter. I was...

Carl Jung

Carl Gustav Jung

By bob k In 1961, Bill Wilson, reached out, rather belatedly, to the famous psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, in order to express some gratitude to him, on AA’s behalf, for “…the conversation between you (and...


Four Years Old!

By Roger C. AA Agnostica is four years old! The website was born on June 15, 2011 when two agnostic AA groups, Beyond Belief and We Agnostics, were unceremoniously evicted from the Greater Toronto...


Group Conscience Follies

By John L. Reading passages from the Big Book has become an increasingly common practice in regular AA groups. This irks me: it’s too much like reading Holy Scripture at a church service.  The...

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