Tagged: AA


Ten Ways to Stay Sober

Self-care is critically important, especially in early recovery. Here are some methods to stay balanced, for 12 steppers and non-12 steppers alike. By Katie MacBride Originally published on The Fix My 2016 had a...


Technology and Recovery

By D.G. I was born and raised on a farm in rural Virginia, and many times have heard my parents and older members of my family and community recount tales of their daily lives...


My Name is Marnin

Chapter 21: Do Tell: Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA  Marnin M. My name is Marnin and I’m an alcoholic and an agnostic/atheist. Marnin is Hebrew for he who brings joy, a singer of...

Different Road

A Different Road

This article was first published in the Chicago Tribune twenty-one years ago, on February 22, 1995. It reports on alcoholics in AA celebrating – “the drunks are having a party” – the twentieth anniversary of the founding...

Alkie Cravens

He’s a Real Tool

By Joanne O. I call him “Alkie, Alkie Cravens”. I invented him. And you might say he invented the alcoholic me. He is a cartoon character that I created to personify the physical cravings, automatic...

To Thine Own Self

Changing the 12 Steps of AA

Simply because we have convictions that work very well for us, it becomes quite easy to assume that we have all of the truth. Whenever this brand of arrogance develops we are sure to...


AA Atheists and Human Rights

By Roger C. On May 31, 2011, two agnostic AA groups were booted out of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Intergroup and off of the area AA meeting lists. That was disturbing and offensive...

Yoga Runner Featured

A New High: Physical Exercise and Recovery

By Steph G. I was flying. The fallacy of my belief was revealed the moment I crashed – flying had been falling and I had been too high to notice. I didn’t stop at...


AA Atheist

Chapter 20: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Hanje R. Few residents are in treatment because they choose to be. Most of us are “invited” by the courts, our employers, our...


The Power of Our Stories

By Chris G. When I first came to AA, I had no story. Oh, there were lots of stories I could tell: drunken episodes, all the problems the world had given me, all my...


My Journey in AA

Chapter 19: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Neil F. On the 12th of April 1986, I drove from Toronto to Montreal and spent the evening drinking with friends. The next...

Relevant Quotes for Secular AA

Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. Alcoholics Anonymous, Page 164, 1939 The spiritual life is by no means a Christian monopoly… Consider the eight-part program...

Committee Featured

Recovering from the committee in my head

By Beth H. We frequently hear talk in the rooms of AA about “the committee”, or the different thoughts and voices swirling around in our heads, often giving us conflicting messages or bad advice....

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