Tagged: AA

Cross Hill

My Recovery in Traditional AA

By John B In the first week of August, 1984, at the age of forty-eight, I crawled back into AA. My first exposure to twelve step recovery had occurred in a fifteen day treatment program...

What is AA?

What is AA?

By Roger C. Let’s go simple with the answer to this question. Fellowship We can start with the first sentence of the AA Preamble published in 1947 in the Grapevine magazine: Alcoholics Anonymous is...

Our Father in Heaven

AA and the Lord’s Prayer

All [women and] men are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals or of social groups and of any human power, in such wise that no one is to be forced...

Eating Disorders

Letter of Support for Eating Disorders Anonymous

This letter of support, included in the book Eating Disorders Anonymous, was written three years ago. We post it today to provide a bit of information about the organization and to give our readers...

Port Dover

Recovery Spirituality

By Ernest Kurtz (Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School) and William L. White (Emeritus Senior Research Consultant, Chestnut Health Systems). Originally published on January 27, 2015. Abstract There...

The Five Keys

The Five Keys – 12 Step Recovery Without A God

This article is a question and answer session between Roger C. of AA Agnostica and Archer Voxx, author of The Five Keys – 12 Step Recovery Without A God and Alcoholics Anonymous – Universal...

Box 459

The Only Requirement…

… for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. This is perhaps one of the most inclusive statements ever made by an organization — and one that is lifesaving for alcoholics caught in...


My AA Story

By Alex M. Growing up as an only child in an alcoholic family was the perfect incubator for an isolated, selfish, self-centered life. My father shared his alcoholism with his mother, and with many...

Twelve Featured

Twelve Secular Steps: An Addiction Recovery Guide

By Chris G. This short book (117 pages) by Bill W., no relation to THE Bill W., is a very timely addition to secular addiction literature for several reasons. First of all, it recognises...

AA Spirituality

Bill W, LSD, and AA Spirituality

By bob k Toward the end of 1943, the Wilsons were preparing to leave New York. Bill was tired and depressed, and very much looking forward to an upcoming cross-country trip with Lois. Alcoholics...


Which God, Whose God, What God?

“I grok, I am god, you are god.” – Mike, the Man from Mars in Stranger in a Strange Land By Paul W. In Alcoholics Anonymous, “God” is simply defined as a Higher Power...

Secular AA

The ‘Secular AA’ Movement

In this blog post, Zachary Munro discusses the development of a non-religious recovery culture in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and how groups like Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS), and LifeRing Secular Recovery are renegotiating their...

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