Author: Roger

The Impossible Becomes Possible

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-Eight. The first of the three international secular AA conferences. Originally posted in December 2014. Consistent with its theme of Many Paths to Recovery the conference was stunningly rich and...

Modern 12 Step Recovery

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-Seven. The last of seven consecutive book reviews. Originally posted in April 2021. A contemporary understanding of addiction and recovery. A Review by John B. Maybe you can’t teach an...

The Little Book – Second Edition

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-Six. The sixth of seven consecutive book reviews. Originally posted in January 2021. There are many versions of the 12-Step program of recovery. In fact, there are as many versions...

An Academic Analysis of Do Tell!

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-Five. The fifth of seven consecutive book reviews. Originally posted in August 2020. The recovery of the thirty authors (15 women and 15 men) in the book Do Tell! had...

Staying Sober Without God

Staying Sober Without God

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-Four. The fourth of seven consecutive book reviews. Originally posted in June 2019. “Atheists and agnostics deserve just as much of a chance at recovery as believers do.” Review by...

Key Players in AA History

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-Three. The third of seven consecutive book reviews. Originally posted in February 2015. “The profiles crafted by bob k are… presented in an engaging manner accessible to all those interested...

Beyond Belief

Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-Two. The second of seven consecutive book reviews. Originally posted in January 2013. Finally, daily reflections for nonbelievers, free-thinkers, and everyone. Review by Carol M. Finally! A daily reflection book...

Hungry Ghosts

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-One. The first of seven consecutive book reviews. Originally posted in December 2012. One of the questions is “Why a culture-based lifestyle that creates addiction?” Review by Roger C. Nothing...


The Practical Tool of Meditation

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty. Originally posted in April 2016. Meditation makes a difference in my day-to-day life in long term recovery. By Thomas B. I had my first meditation experience early in my...

The Therapeutic Value of the Group

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Nineteen. Originally posted in March 2016. What do we get from attending AA meetings? How about valuables such as hope and social skills? By Steve K. The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)...

Alkie Cravens

He’s a Real Tool

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Eighteen. Originally posted in February 2016. “I am not my addiction. I can give it funny names, question it, challenge it, and choose to defeat it.” By Joanne O. I...

The Power of Our Stories

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Seventeen. Originally posted in February 2016. Humans have told stories since they learned to talk. For aeons, stories were the history, the law, the hope and the education of all...

Women’s Meetings

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Sixteen. Originally posted in December 2015. “The first women’s meeting I attended threw me sideways… I shared a little of my own journey. Failure at motherhood, at partnering, at relationships,...


Bill Wilson’s Experience with LSD

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Fifteen. Originally posted in May 2015. This is a popular article on AA Agnostica with, as of today, a total of 94,158 viewers. A very well researched and written article....

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