Tagged: treatment

What is AA?

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Forty. Originally posted in March 2019. AA is a fellowship of people who help each other stay sober and live a better life. By Roger C. Let’s go simple with...

Scientist Undergoes Brain Treatment for Alcoholism

By Avis Favaro Medical Correspondent and Alexandra Mae Jones CTV News writer Published  Sunday, December 15, 2019 on CTV National News TORONTO – Like millions of Canadians, Dr. Frank Plummer used alcohol simply to...

What is AA?

What is AA?

By Roger C. Let’s go simple with the answer to this question. Fellowship We can start with the first sentence of the AA Preamble published in 1947 in the Grapevine magazine: Alcoholics Anonymous is...


Let’s Open Up About Addiction and Recovery

By Laura Hilgersnov Originally published on November 4, 2017 in the New York Times San Anselmo, Calif. — Fay Zenoff recently met a friend for dinner at a sushi restaurant in Sausalito, Calif. After...


Psychedelics in Addiction Treatment

Editor’s Note: For decades, brain chemistry has been a growing field of knowledge on many fronts, including addiction treatment. Early work with psychedelics for addiction treatment in the 1950’s and 60’s – in which...


AA, Alcoholism and Medical Science

AA never really opened up a channel for two way communication with the medical community. By Brent P. Who Me? My name is Brent and I’m an alcoholic, crack addict and opioid addict. So,...


Substance Abuse Treatment Begins With Research

Foreword by Chris G: This article describes Dr. Willenbring’s history of research, and the clinic he has set up to provide treatment based on the best scientific evidence available – something typically ignored by...

Alcoholic Woman

Ann’s Story

Chapter 18: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Ann M. Already in kindergarten I felt different from others. I often felt ashamed and that I couldn’t do things right. I mostly...

Water Lily

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention

The treatment protocol targets the very roots of addictive behavior. by Carolyn Gregoire Originally published on November 18, 2015 on The Huffington Post A new wave of research on meditation shows that mindfulness-based treatments...

Slaying The Dragon

Reviewed by bob k Those among us having a fondness for history are accustomed to being transported to the past, and Mr. White does this deliciously in the second edition of Slaying the Dragon: The History...

Charles B. Towns

By bob k December 11, 1934  Bill Wilson should have been desperate, depressed, and beyond all optimism, when he arrived at Towns Hospital to undergo a fourth and final detox.  Following his Armistice Day...

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