Tagged: Santa Monica

The Impossible Becomes Possible

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Twenty-Eight. The first of the three international secular AA conferences. Originally posted in December 2014. Consistent with its theme of Many Paths to Recovery the conference was stunningly rich and...

Austin Featured

The Austin Convention – Survey Results

By Thomas B. Approximately 400 persons attended the second biennial convention of We Agnostics, Atheists and Freethinkers International Convention (WAAFT IAAC), which took place November 11 – 13, 2016 at the Austin Crown Plaza...

Santa Monica Pier

The Impossible Becomes Possible

By Roger C. It was a something of a miracle, if I may be so bold as to use that word. Almost three hundred women and men gathered in Santa Monica, California, in early...

The Road II

The Road to Santa Monica

By Dorothy H. Voices The voices have come from near and far. There were the voices in Hermosa Beach, near Los Angeles, where attendees at a newly founded We Agnostics meeting greeted the news...

An AA Convention For We Agnostics

By Roger C Roger: Thank you Pam for agreeing to do this interview. You’re a member of the steering committee that is now hard at work planning a We Agnostics and Free Thinkers (WAFT)...

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