Tagged: recovery


Returning to My Spiritual Roots in Sobriety

Chapter 4 Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Julie B. I’m an urban Aboriginal woman who was raised by a single mother of European descent. Although I did beadwork and occasionally...

Step 6

Step 6

This is a chapter from the pioneering book: The Alternative Twelve Steps: A Secular Guide to Recovery. It was written by two women, Martha Cleveland and Arlys G., and originally published in 1991. As valuable today as...

One Way

A 12 Step Agnostic

By Steve K. As a child I had the common experience of growing up in a home with an alcoholic parent. My stepfather was a daily drinker who was incapable of forming a loving relationship...


The Jellinek Curve

By life-j. E. M. Jellinek (“Bunky”) is among other things said to be the father of the “Jellinek Curve” which we saw here at AA Agnostica a while back. He was also one of...

700 Club

I Lost My Faith and Happily So

Chapter 3 Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA By John S. It’s hard to believe, but it was twenty-six years ago when I attended my first AA meeting, and fortunately I’ve...


Survivors of Addiction

This is a review of the book Survivors of Addiction: Narratives of Recovery by Mary Addenbrooke. It was originally published in The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 57, Issue 3, 2012. This is an...

The Great Chain of Being

By Adam N. I was a mere lad of 26 when I was flown off to a treatment facility deep in the Minnesota woods, in the midst of an icy, snow-covered winter. I was...


Group Conscience Follies

By John L. Reading passages from the Big Book has become an increasingly common practice in regular AA groups. This irks me: it’s too much like reading Holy Scripture at a church service.  The...

Do Tell!

Do Tell! Stories by Atheists & Agnostics in AA

“Storytelling is the practice and… essential dynamic of AA”. AA historian Ernie Kurtz Introduction: Reshaping the AA Culture By Roger C. Things change. At least that’s been my experience in life. And it’s the...

Do Tell!

Foreword – Do Tell!

Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA shares the “experience, strength and hope” of 15 women and 15 men in recovery in AA, none of whom “came to believe” that an interventionist...

Ernie Kurtz

A Tribute to Ernie Kurtz

By Roger C. Ernie Kurtz died on January 19 of this year at the age of 79. A memorial service was held for him on April 22 at Dawn Farm, a rehab facility, in...

Sunflower Field

If You Want What We Have

By Russ H. The vast majority of AA members have heard How It Works read aloud at the beginning of meetings. It is such a common practice that many of us have passively committed...


An Atheist’s Twelfth Step

By JHG When we first get to AA, we can just “take what we like and leave the rest”, but eventually, we have to decide whether we’re even going to stay. And if we stay,...

Common Sense Recovery

Common Sense Recovery

Foreword to Common Sense Recovery: An Atheist’s Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous, Second Edition By Reverend Ward Ewing From the beginning there has been tension around theism in AA. The connection with the Oxford Group...

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