Tagged: pamphlet

An AA Pamphlet for Agnostics – The 1980s

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Ten. Originally  posted in November 2013. Conference Approved Literature. “The greatest danger facing AA today (is)… prohibiting non-Conference approved literature, i.e., ‘banning books’.” The Manager of the AA General Service...

An AA Pamphlet for Agnostics – The 1970s

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Nine. Originally posted in August 2013. The word “God” (or “Him”, etc.) appears 281 times in the first 164 pages of the Big Book. As a result, the struggle to...


A Pamphlet for AA Agnostics?

The Alcoholics Anonymous Literature Committee in Great Britain will be presenting a pamphlet for and by agnostic and atheist members to its 2016 Conference. A sub-committee is looking for articles written by AA members in Great Britain and...

One Way

Still No Pamphlet for Agnostics in AA

By Roger C. After requests that span some forty years, there is still no pamphlet for agnostics and atheists in AA. Not one. Nothing even close. The recently published pamphlet, Many Paths to Spirituality,...


AA – Spiritual Not Religious

Every time we develop a new recovery pamphlet, I believe we say “welcome” to a whole group of alcoholics who might otherwise feel our message was not intended for them, or worse, that they...

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