Tagged: meeting

One Alcoholic Helping Another

By Bethany D. Introduction: AA Without God Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people recover from alcoholism. The stories told in the Big Book, personal testimonies in meetings and the twelve suggested steps have...

My New Home in Alcoholics Anonymous

By Diane I I never intended or wanted to be an alcoholic or even a person who drank too much. I was actually afraid of alcohol in high school and didn’t start to drink...

Many Paths

Evolution of a Secular Meeting

By Ralph B. History The Many Paths to Spirituality meeting was started on Sunday August 28, 2016, in Langley, British Columbia. It was launched by me and Lorrie K. I had picked up a...


How to Start A Secular AA Meeting – FAQ

 Frequently Asked Questions  By Roger C. Updated on 2019/12/27 Those who choose to start a secular AA meeting have to make very few decisions. Here are some of the questions asked when these meetings...

Mount Community Centre

The Kawartha Freethinkers

By Bob K It must be almost three years since Jim M. first came down from Peterborough to see what we were doing at our Whitby Freethinkers meeting. As a long sober secularist in...

Letting others know about us

The theme continues today. It’s all about letting those in conventional AA know about we agnostics in AA, and our groups and meetings. One way to do that is to write an article about...


Secular Sobriety Group First Anniversary

We heartily encourage secular groups to let others know about their meetings, as Michel has done, by writing about them and having the stories published in their local AA newsletters. This article was first published in the Ottawa...

Fairhope UU

If you need one, start one

By Clay A. Hello my name is Clay and I’m an alcoholic and a proud agnostic member of AA. Starting an agnostic meeting was always something that I loved to think about, but like...

New York City

The first agnostic AA meetings in New York

This was the third of three main talks at a workshop on the history of secular AA at the We Agnostics, Atheists and Freethinkers International AA Convention in Austin, Texas, in November 2016. By...

Transitive Woman

Megan D.

Megan D. and Charlie P. co-founded the first ever group to be called “We Agnostics” in California in 1980. This is an article she submitted to the AA Grapevine, but was never published. She...

We Are Not Saints

My name is Roger and I am an alcoholic. It was snowing on Friday evening, the last day of November, in downtown Toronto. I didn’t know that until I hauled my bicycle out of the porch...

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