Tagged: don’t tell

AA Chips

Agnostic groups: An asset for the future of AA

This is the concluding chapter in the book, Don’t Tell: Stories and Essays by Agnostics and Atheists in AA By Roger C. There are no doubt some who, having read Don’t Tell, will wonder...


Don’t Tell – Introduction

By Roger C. You can’t solve a problem if you don’t first admit that it exists. That’s just about the first thing we learn in recovery. Almost forty years ago, in July 1976, a...


Don’t Tell

By Chris G. Who are we, we alcoholic agnostic, atheist, free-thinking people who come to this website? I sense that many of us are pretty lonely individuals looking for a community, and many are...


The “Don’t Tell” Policy in AA

By Roger C. There often seems to be an unofficial policy in Alcoholics Anonymous especially for nonbelievers at AA meetings: “Don’t Tell.” It is a policy imposed by just a few but rarely challenged. If you are an...

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