Big Bookism
By Don S. At a meeting recently, I heard a guy say: “You’ll hear a lot of crazy stuff in meetings. When you do, just ask them “‘Where is that in the Big Book?’”...
By Don S. At a meeting recently, I heard a guy say: “You’ll hear a lot of crazy stuff in meetings. When you do, just ask them “‘Where is that in the Big Book?’”...
By bob k The Prequel Begins It was the night before Thanksgiving when the pains of child labor drove Emily Griffiths Wilson from preparations for the next day’s meal. Emily’s pains drove her from out...
By bob k Part One (Prequel to a Prequel) War fever ran high in the New England town to which we new, young officers from Plattsburg were assigned, and we were flattered when the first...
By bob k December 11, 1934 Bill Wilson should have been desperate, depressed, and beyond all optimism, when he arrived at Towns Hospital to undergo a fourth and final detox. Following his Armistice Day...
By bob k The story of Ebby Thacher is one of large privilege and poor performance, the tale of a classic underachiever. Iconic television character, Al Bundy, peaked at seventeen years of age by...
Procrustes: a mythical host who stretched or cut his guests to fit his “magical” bed, often killing them in the process. By Frank M. I should probably start by explaining that I have no...
A Message of Tolerance and Celebration: The Portrayal of Multiple Pathways of Recovery in the Writings of Alcoholics Anonymous Co-Founder Bill Wilson (2010). The unredacted paper, with references and background reading, was originally posted...
By bob k The wheels were set in motion for what would eventually become Alcoholics Anonymous at Bill Wilson’s kitchen table in November of 1934. Bill’s old school chum and sometime drinking buddy, Ebby...
By bob k The Professional Golfers’ Association of America (to its own embarrassment) had a “Caucasians Only” membership policy until 1962. Viewing a recent miniseries about the Kennedys reminded me that it took the...
Bill W. Copyright © AA Grapevine, Inc. (July, 1946) It may be that Alcoholics Anonymous is a new form of human society. The first of our 12 Points of A.A. Tradition states, “Each member of...