Tagged: Bill Wilson


Bill Wilson’s Experience with LSD

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Fifteen. Originally posted in May 2015. This is a popular article on AA Agnostica with, as of today, a total of 94,158 viewers. A very well researched and written article....

Sleight of Hand; Slight on “Real” Inclusivity

By bob k Thank the Lord (in a manner of speaking) for the wonderful liberals among the God-believers in Alcoholics Anonymous as I encountered them years ago. These delightful creatures were more interested in...

WRITING the BIG BOOK: The Creation of AA

Bill Wilson, the man who contributed more “factual” information than anyone else to the traditional story of AA, was by far the worst offender when it came to accuracy regarding that early history… Wilson’s...

Why Bill W. Wrote the 12 Steps Twice

By Susan Cheever Originally posted on April 16, 2012 on The Fix The AA founder penned two versions of the 12 Steps, separated by 15 years and a lifetime of troubles. Their differences will...

Dr Wilson and Mr Hide

By life-j Biographies of Bill Wilson, while not telling us anything which is actually untrue, do tend to look mostly at the Saint Bill, “plus a few problems too hard to overlook”, such as...


Standing on the shoulders of giants?

By life-j Isaac Newton said “If I can see farther, it is because I’m standing on the shoulders of giants”. I want to look at whether that’s the case with us in AA, too....

Bill Wilson Featured

Bill Wilson, Always A Seeker

Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. Big Book, page 164  Research has already come up with significant and helpful findings. And research will do far...


Bill Wilson’s Experience with LSD

By Thomas B. In what has to be one of the strangest ironies I’ve ever experienced, I came across a post in a most unlikely place that served as the inspiration to write this...

Another Friend Bumper Sticker

Jim Burwell

By bob k Bill Wilson wrote the Twelve Steps in 1938, “one night, late in December. He was frankly pleased with what he had written and was in no way prepared for the violent...

Lois Wilson

Lois Wilson

By bob k There are few people who better epitomize the sentiments of  the Tammy Wynette country classic “Stand By Your Man”, than Lois Wilson. As the founder of Al-Anon, she is lovingly remembered by hundreds of...

Bill and Lois

Bill Wilson and Other Women

History cannot proceed by silences. The chronicler of ill-recorded times has none the less to tell the tale. If facts are lacking, rumors must serve. Failing affidavits, he must build with gossip. Winston Churchill By...

William James

William James and AA

By bob k For better or worse, whether real or imagined, drug-induced, or brought about by the most desperate need, Bill Wilson’s spiritual experience at Towns Hospital is perhaps the foundation point of Alcoholics...


When did I become an alcoholic?

By Les C. When did I become an alcoholic? All during of my first 80 years I was a “social drinker.” I maintained an adequate supply of various cocktail mixes and “straight” beverages in my...

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