Tagged: anniversary


Six Years Old!

By Roger C. An Anniversary Today – on this very day – AA Agnostica is six years old! The website was first launched into the internet universe on June 15, 2011. And it quickly...


Secular Sobriety Group First Anniversary

We heartily encourage secular groups to let others know about their meetings, as Michel has done, by writing about them and having the stories published in their local AA newsletters. This article was first published in the Ottawa...

Last Post

The Last Post

In military tradition, the Last Post is the bugle call that signifies the end of the day’s activities. By Roger C. This will be the last post on AA Agnostica. It’s an appropriate day...


Three years old!

By Roger C. AA Agnostica is – on this day, June 15, 2014 – three years old! It has been, in so very many ways, a remarkable year. The keyword that jumps to mind...

Two years old!

Two Years Old!

By Roger C. This website is now two years old! Launched in the summer of 2011, it was originally called AA Toronto Agnostics and its purpose was to let people know about the times...

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