Why are 12-Step Fellowships so God Centric?
By Dave W Sobering up in Toronto in 2018 gave me the luxury of sidestepping the grief a lot of addicted drinkers face when desperately reaching out to AA for the first time. I finally...
By Dave W Sobering up in Toronto in 2018 gave me the luxury of sidestepping the grief a lot of addicted drinkers face when desperately reaching out to AA for the first time. I finally...
By bob k. My father Maury was of the World War II generation. Luckily for me, his military service did not take him outside of Canada, as many who crossed the ocean did not...
Review by Carol M. Finally! A daily reflection book for nonbelievers, freethinkers and everyone, Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life offers 365 quips for every alcoholic/addict. Drawing on quotes from writers, skeptics,...