Tagged: AA

AA Needs to Grow Up

An adapted Buddhist quote: “I do not see any other factor that is as helpful to sobriety as this: good friendship.” By Maureen H The chairperson at the “As Bill Sees It” AA meeting...

Step Three

John’s Recovery: Step Three

AA Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to God as we understood Him. My Step 3: Made a commitment to seek, seriously consider, and when appropriate, act...

My New Home in Alcoholics Anonymous

By Diane I I never intended or wanted to be an alcoholic or even a person who drank too much. I was actually afraid of alcohol in high school and didn’t start to drink...

John’s Recovery: Step Two

AA Step 2:  Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. My Step 2:  Came to the realization I needed to accept guidance from others in order for...

John’s Recovery: Step One

AA Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable. My Step 1: Came to the realization that alcohol consumption had severely impeded my ability to accomplish every one...

Dr Wilson and Mr Hide

By life-j Biographies of Bill Wilson, while not telling us anything which is actually untrue, do tend to look mostly at the Saint Bill, “plus a few problems too hard to overlook”, such as...

Staying Sober Without God

Staying Sober Without God – What is Addiction?

Staying Sober Without God Chapter Two: What is Addiction? Some folk in recovery will have you believe that addiction is a relatively simple thing. It is sometimes referred to as a “two-fold disease,” being...

Many Paths

Evolution of a Secular Meeting

By Ralph B. History The Many Paths to Spirituality meeting was started on Sunday August 28, 2016, in Langley, British Columbia. It was launched by me and Lorrie K. I had picked up a...

About Being Here

Introduction By Roger C. life-j is the author of a book published 12 days ago on Amazon, About Being Here. And he is my friend. We have known each other since early in 2013....

The Purpose of AA Agnostica

By Roger C This week AA Agnostica turned into an eight year old website! And a dynamic and busy site it truly is: in all, counting today’s post, 522 articles have been published. That’s...

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