Tagged: AA


Mindfulness and the 12 Steps

Review by Roger C. There would appear to be much in common between Buddhist thought and the 12 Step recovery program practiced by some in AA. A number of books have made the connection...

An Atheist's Guide

An Atheist’s Guide to 12-Step Recovery

by Frank M. You’re a thoughtful and well considered atheist. And you’ve noticed recently that you might be dying from the crap you put in your body. A little. Maybe that’s just the hangover...

Grieving Woman

Do You Think You’re Different? – Jan’s Story

In 1976 Alcoholics Anonymous World Services (AAWS) began publishing a 37 page pamphlet entitled “Do You Think You’re Different?” AAWS has printed and distributed this pamphlet year after year and it is now available online...

RBG Featured

A Higher Power of My Understanding

By Gabe S. I first encountered Alcoholics Anonymous when I found myself in rehab in December 2010. I had, after many months of resistance, followed the advice of my psychiatrist and my good friends...

Step 3 Featured

Quadrants of Knowledge

By Joe C. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no...

Step 3

God As We Understood Him

WARNING: The following essay, although sincerely and thoughtfully written, is very offensive to Scientologists, smokers, Christians, spirituality, and especially to Zeus. To history’s other 2,000 + Gods, past and present – I have offended...

Fireworks Year I

One Year Old!

By Roger C. It all began with an uncivil act. It was a thoughtless act without compassion or concern for the wellbeing of other women and men in the fellowship suffering from the same...


Never Fear Needed Change

By Joe  C. As the Christian calendar rolled over to 2012, another AA member asked me why I thought AA was no longer growing. Like me, he remembers the 1970s and 1980s when perpetual...

Lady Justice

The Courts, AA and Religion

By Linda R. Inside AA, one hears members frequently repeat the well-known phrase “AA is spiritual, not religious.” AA takes pride in saying it’s not religious. But what do outsiders, such as the court...


What I Am Not

By Joe C. My name is Joe and I am an alcoholic and a proud member of AA. Step Two is stated, restated and defined several different ways: Came to believe that a Power...

Prayer At Meetings: A World View

Many thanks to Nick H, one of the founders of Children of Chaos, an agnostic  group in Austin, Texas. Nick found this article about a decade ago on a website, Sober Times, that no...

Jim Burwell

By Linda R. Jim Burwell’s contribution to Alcoholics Anonymous is truly significant and second only to that of AA’s two co-founders, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith. Jim is credited with adoption of A.A.’s Third...

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