Tagged: AA

Many paths one destination

A Message of Tolerance and Celebration

A Message of Tolerance and Celebration: The Portrayal of Multiple Pathways of Recovery in the Writings of Alcoholics Anonymous Co-Founder Bill Wilson (2010). The unredacted paper, with references and background reading, was originally posted...

We Are Not Saints

My name is Roger and I am an alcoholic. It was snowing on Friday evening, the last day of November, in downtown Toronto. I didn’t know that until I hauled my bicycle out of the porch...

Grapevine AA

Without a Higher Power

One size does not fit all for this atheist in recovery By Greg H. (San Diego, CA) Copyright © The AA Grapevine. Originally published by the AA Grapevine in January 2010. Reprinted with permission. This atheist...

Twentieth Century Influences on AA

By bob k It is fairly common knowledge that there are religious roots to AA. Much has been written about our earliest existence as part of the Christian revivalist Oxford Group. From Carl Jung comes...

The Bird In Your Hands

By Ivan K. A salesman was traveling from Toronto to London and got lost. He stopped at a farmer’s place to ask directions, and this is the conversation between the two of them: Salesman,...

An Atheists Guide

An Atheists Unofficial Guide to AA

By Vince H. I am an atheist alcoholic who believes that many people who could be saved from drink by AA do not embrace the fellowship because they are put off by a higher...

Hail Mary Pass

Short of a Game Changer – Appendix II

By bob k Possibly the most famous single play in the history of American football took place in 1984, and involved a player who would later star for the Toronto Argonauts in the Canadian...

AA Conference

Responsibility Is Our Theme

“How much and how often did we fail?” By Roger C. Bill W spoke at the General Service Conference held in New York City in April, 1965. The Conference theme was “Responsibility To Those We...

Bill W Film

Bill W: The Documentary Reviewed

By Tim C. Bill W., the documentary now showing in cinemas throughout the country, is a delightfully presented look at the story of William G. Wilson, the original public face of Alcoholics Anonymous. The...

Field of Flowers

Finding Our Way

An agnostic discovers his place in the Fellowship By  Jerry S. Austin, Texas Copyright © The AA Grapevine. Published in October 2012. Reprinted with permission. After being in and around the AA program for more than...

Man on Bed III

The Origins of the 12 Steps

By Roger C. One alcoholic talking to another (Step 12) It all began in the waning months of 1934. Bill W, an incorrigible inebriate nearing the end of his rope, was visited at his...



The AA Grapevine published this article by J. L. of Oakland, California, which it called Atheist, in its January 1980 issue. At the time J. L. was eight years sober. When J. L. reached 16 years of...

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