Tagged: AA

Jim Burwell

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Five. Originally posted in April 2012. Early History. Traditional AA is god-obsessed. But without Jim Burwell, the Big Book and traditional AA would be much more religious. By Linda R....

Father of We Agnostics Dies

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Four. Originally posted in March 2012. History. And an Historical Character. Charlie Polacheck was the co-founder – in Los Angeles, California in 1980 – of the first AA meeting ever...

Ten Years Old!

The Growth of Secular AA By Roger C. Early History AA Agnostica was launched a decade ago! The website was created by me and another person on June 15, 2011. It was initially called...

Websites and The Growth of Secular AA

by bob k On May 31, 2011, Alcoholics Anonymous was dramatically altered, both in Toronto, Ontario and far beyond. In the short run, the changes produced were precisely as they had been intended to...

Courtenay Baylor

By bob k If for no other reason, Courtenay Baylor should be of interest to modern AA members for being the first recovered alcoholic to work as a professionally paid addictions counselor. He set...

Secular People in AA

By John S Back in December, I was contacted by a reporter who wanted me to help him with an article he was writing about secular people in AA. I don’t think he ever...

Modern 12 Step Recovery

A Review by John B. Maybe you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but Glenn Rader has shown us you can give an old program a new look. Using a friendly and factual...

A New Man

Chapter 15: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA David B. Coming to: What happened? Where am I? Who am I? Most alcoholics are familiar with this feeling: an abyss of loss...

My Diluted Emotions

Chapter 14: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Deirdre S. I drank for twenty years. Too many times I drank past my tolerance level and woke up shivering on some bathroom...

Another Apostate in Sobriety

Chapter 13: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Kit G. Apostate: Noun, a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle. Synonyms: dissenter, defector, deserter, traitor, backslider, turncoat. Looking...

Five Years Old and Growing Stronger

Originally published in Our Primary Purpose, the newsletter of the Ottawa Area Intergroup Covid-19 helps Ottawa’s secular sobriety movement Little did Michel D know when he started Ottawa’s first secular AA group, in early...

God Problems

Chapter 12: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Betsy M. My father got sober in AA in 1952. He drove two hours round trip to the nearest city to attend the...

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