Tagged: AA

Sunflowers at Sunset

The Steps Cafeteria-Style

“The 12 Steps are so formed and presented that an alcoholic can either ignore them completely, take them cafeteria-style, or embrace them wholeheartedly.” (from the Conference-approved pamphlet, A Member’s Eye View of Alcoholics Anonymous)...

Closet Door

Coming Out Atheist in Conventional AA

By John H. Washington DC We Agnostics Group One of the more difficult challenges facing a non-believing member of Alcoholics Anonymous is in how to approach the fact of one’s non-belief in a conventional...

Step 2

A power greater than ourselves

By Mykel P. The second step of AA reads as follows: “Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity”. Perhaps a sensible approach would be to break down...

Reaching Out

Sponsorship in AA

This article is dedicated to the memory of Ernie Kurtz, AA’s foremost historian, who was so pleased to include us WAAFTs as members of the Alcoholics Anonymous that he loved so dearly. He was...


No Grapevine Book for Atheists in AA

By Roger C. I want to share with you two letters, with a document in the middle of the two letters. The first letter was written to the Grapevine and to the AA General Service Office and...

Sunflower Field

If You Want What We Have

By Russ H. The vast majority of AA members have heard How It Works read aloud at the beginning of meetings. It is such a common practice that many of us have passively committed...


An Atheist’s Twelfth Step

By JHG When we first get to AA, we can just “take what we like and leave the rest”, but eventually, we have to decide whether we’re even going to stay. And if we stay,...


The Doorknob Deity

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. By Tom P. AA saved my life and set me on an exciting journey of...

Ernie and Bill 2008

Ernest Kurtz: The Historian as Storyteller and Healer

Ernie Kurtz died on Jan 19, 2015. He was born on September 9, 1935, the same year that AA was founded.  The Historian as Storyteller and Healer was published a number of months ago and when Ernie...

Common Sense Recovery

Common Sense Recovery

Foreword to Common Sense Recovery: An Atheist’s Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous, Second Edition By Reverend Ward Ewing From the beginning there has been tension around theism in AA. The connection with the Oxford Group...

Wind and Sun

Hallowed be the Big Book?

By Laurie A. The Preface to the fourth edition of the Big Book notes, “Because this book has become the basic text for our Society and has helped such large numbers of alcoholic men...

Step 12

Step 12 and How to Work a Program

This is two chapters from the pioneering book: The Alternative Twelve Steps: A Secular Guide to Recovery. It was originally written by two women, Martha Cleveland and Arlys G., and published in 1991. As valuable today...

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