Tagged: AA

Alcoholic Woman

Ann’s Story

Chapter 18: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Ann M. Already in kindergarten I felt different from others. I often felt ashamed and that I couldn’t do things right. I mostly...

The Fellowship and the Program

By JEB By the time I made it to my first meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, 35 years ago, I had fully conceded to my innermost self (quit lying to myself) that I am powerless over...

Ernie Featured

Remembering Ernie Kurtz

By bob k Catholics priests are not among those who one would expect to find heading a list of crusaders for the freethinker movement in Alcoholics Anonymous. Nonetheless Ernest Kurtz, ordained to the Roman...


My Path in Alcoholics Anonymous

Chapter 17: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists & Agnostics in AA life j. The path was not easy for this agnostic in AA. I was an atheist when I got sober, as arrogant as...

Self Inventory

A Personal Inventory

By Steve K. In the book Alcoholics Anonymous, it suggests that resentment is the number one manifestation of self/ego. “Being convinced that self, manifested in various ways, was what had defeated us, we considered...

Woman on Path

Take Three Degrees. Add Alcohol.

Chapter 16: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Martine R. The decision to stop drinking alcohol, once and for all, is one I shall never regret. I will soon celebrate 13...


Is Substance Use the Treatment or the Disease?

Editor’s Note: Most of us seem to believe that alcoholism is a kind of treatment: an attempt to resolve an underlying trauma or a “spiritual void” and not, initially at any rate, a “disease” of...


Women’s Meetings

By Mary M. I am approaching thirty years of sobriety and am now living a long way from those incredible women’s meetings of the first twenty years of my recovery in Ontario, Canada. And...

A New Man

A New Man

Chapter 15: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA David B. Coming to: What happened? Where am I? Who am I? Most alcoholics are familiar with this feeling: an abyss of loss...

Two people


This is the first article submitted for The Practical Book and posted on AA Agnostica for feedback (comments) from you, our readers. It has many of the qualities we are looking for in these submissions....


My Diluted Emotions

Chapter 14: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Deirdre S. I drank for twenty years. Too many times I drank past my tolerance level and woke up shivering on some bathroom...

Practical Book

A Special Project: The Practical Book

by Roger C. We are today launching a special project. A book. A special book. It is a book that would fit perfectly in Alcoholics Anonymous. Anyone in AA could read it and benefit from...

Walk Away

Another Apostate in Sobriety

Chapter 13: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Kit G. Apostate: Noun, a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle. Synonyms: dissenter, defector, deserter, traitor, backslider, turncoat. Looking...

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