Tagged: AA

A History V

Review: A History of Agnostics in AA

By Robin R. A History of Agnostics in AA is a timely book that should be read by all AA members, nonbelievers and believers. It accurately portrays the experience and the history of agnostics...

In Crowd

The Search for Self-Esteem

By Bob K One needs to be a certain age, I expect, to be familiar with the 1964 Dobie Gray classic The “In” Crowd. Perhaps younger folks have heard it on the oldies station....

Sober agnostics

Staying sober without keeping the faith

On Tuesday, by a two-thirds majority, the Greater Vancouver Intergroup Society voted to “list all groups that wish to be listed”. This is, after almost three and a half years, a reversal of its...


The Watering Down of AA

By Bobby Beach Not a New Thing On any given day, the AA world witnesses a remarkable volume of whining about the watering down of Alcoholics Anonymous. Various individuals, groups, and institutions comprise the...

Toronto's City Hall

Beyond Belief Agnostics and Freethinkers

In January of this year the discrimination against agnostic groups by Intergroup in the Toronto area ended as a result of a settlement mediated by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. In the very next...


No God? No Problem: Atheism in AA as a Human Right

By Jesse Beach Originally published in The Fix (February 21, 2017) As Bill W. wrote in 1946, “Anti-God, anti-medicine, anti-our recovery program, even anti-each other — these rampant individuals are still an AA Group...

Letting others know about us

The theme continues today. It’s all about letting those in conventional AA know about we agnostics in AA, and our groups and meetings. One way to do that is to write an article about...


Secular Sobriety Group First Anniversary

We heartily encourage secular groups to let others know about their meetings, as Michel has done, by writing about them and having the stories published in their local AA newsletters. This article was first published in the Ottawa...

Fairhope UU

If you need one, start one

By Clay A. Hello my name is Clay and I’m an alcoholic and a proud agnostic member of AA. Starting an agnostic meeting was always something that I loved to think about, but like...


The Daily Reflections

By life-j This is not the first time you may have heard me being down on the Daily Reflections, and it won’t be the last, but I’m going to approach it a bit more...

To thine own self be true

By Jennifer Benson To thine own self be true. This is an important principle of my program. As a Jew and non-believer, I avoided AA for two years. I hadn’t met my bottom yet,...


A History of Special Interest Groups in AA

This is an edited version of the talk that was delivered at the second secular AA conference (We Agnostics, Atheists and Free Thinkers – WAAFT) in Austin, Texas on November 11, 2016. By Deirdre...

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