Tagged: AA


Logical Fallacies of the Big Book

By life-j Following up after Standing on the Shoulders of Giants? in this article I would like to open an in-depth critique of the Big Book’s logical fallacies. I have to confess I’m not...

Conclusion: Who We Are

Conclusion: Who We Are

One of the favorite quotes I came across in early recovery was the following: “It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks...

Our Father in Heaven

Is The Lord’s Prayer Exclusive?

Once a theist and deacon, he sets out on a spiritual journey with his home group to discover if the Lord’s Prayer truly serves all its members By Christopher S. Santa Rosa, California Copyright...

Chapter 16: A Growing Secular Movement

Chapter 16: A Growing Secular Movement

Riding the Tide We are a rapidly growing and evolving secular movement within Alcoholics Anonymous. Our “godfather”, if you will, was Jim Burwell, back in the 1930s. That’s where we all – I trust...


How to Start A Secular AA Meeting – FAQ

 Frequently Asked Questions  By Roger C. Updated on 2019/12/27 Those who choose to start a secular AA meeting have to make very few decisions. Here are some of the questions asked when these meetings...


Standing on the shoulders of giants?

By life-j Isaac Newton said “If I can see farther, it is because I’m standing on the shoulders of giants”. I want to look at whether that’s the case with us in AA, too....


Arizona Secular AA Conference

By Dave H. Scottsdale, Arizona The second biennial Arizona Secular AA Conference will be held Saturday December 9, 2017 in Tempe, Arizona. Here’s how it all got started. There is something about being in...


Widening the Gateway

Such were the final concessions to those of little or no faith; this was the great contribution of our atheists and agnostics. They had widened our gateway so that all who suffer might pass...

Chapter 15: Austin Convention

Chapter 15: Austin Convention

by life-j I missed out on the Santa Monica Convention, and I almost didn’t make this one either, but the tooth fairy came through at the last moment. And now I’m really stoked. I...


Each Breath a Gift – Review

By Jan A. Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question. ~ ee cummings The first quote is used as the tag line after Thomas’ signature in his emails. I always want to respond...

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