Tagged: AA

Staying Sober Without God

Staying Sober Without God

Review by Heather C. Staying Sober Without God is an exciting addition to the growing body of literature which approaches sobriety from a non-religious point of view. Author, therapist and former addict Jeffrey Munn...

Awe at Sunrise

Higher Powers

By life-j Let me start by saying that the only higher powers I believe in are judges and cops. They’re tangible. And further, let me add that anyone who wants to believe in a...

SOAAR 2019

Secular Ontario AA Roundup

SOAAR 2019 WIDENING THE GATEWAY By Murray J. What is SOAAR 2019 you might ask? And what is “Widening The Gateway?” They are the Secular Ontario AA Roundup and the theme for the event....

Chapter 10

Critique of Chapter 10 – To Employers

Rigorous commonsense is by no means obvious to much of the world.  Indeed, commonsense sometimes requires ceaseless vigilance in its defense. Richard Dawkins By Paul W. The prior critiques by Clara M., life-j, and...

You Will Burn in Hell

by Archer Voxx For the purpose of this article, let’s use a metaphor for our thinking process. The metaphor is that our brain is like a computer’s CPU and that it has an operating...

We Are Diversity

We Are Diversity

Being a part of the LGBTQ+ family, we face many unique and distinct challenges. Our rates of drug addiction are estimated to be somewhere in the neighbourhood of 20-30%, versus 5-10% for the general...


The Opposite of Addiction – Connection

By Steve K. I’ve often heard it said in AA meetings that “the opposite of addiction is connection.” Thinking about my own experience of addiction I wholeheartedly agree. I felt very disconnected and unloved...

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