Category: Research / Many Paths

Drinking Booze

Twenty Things We Realize When We Quit Drinking

Sofia Adamson, Staff Writer, Waking Times Originally published on July 10, 2017 Of all the culturally conditioned behaviors we’ve mindlessly adopted, alcoholism is one of the most curious. We know it is highly detrimental...


Psychedelics in Addiction Treatment

Editor’s Note: For decades, brain chemistry has been a growing field of knowledge on many fronts, including addiction treatment. Early work with psychedelics for addiction treatment in the 1950’s and 60’s – in which...

Sinclair Method

Science may one day accomplish this…

By life-j. AA seems to work by a combination of mutual self help and a spiritual practice however you wish to define that. Several million people have gotten sober in AA in this way....


AA, Alcoholism and Medical Science

AA never really opened up a channel for two way communication with the medical community. By Brent P. Who Me? My name is Brent and I’m an alcoholic, crack addict and opioid addict. So,...


The 10 Hardest Drugs to Kick

By Jacqueline Detwiler Originally published in The Fix Many factors determine whether you’ll become addicted to a drug: your genetic makeup, social history, the drugs your friends take, how much money you make. But...


A Buddhist Path to Recovery

A more diverse world of treatment options casts a wider net for addicts who’ve fallen through the cracks. By Mark Hay Originally published in GOOD on February 18, 2016 At the age of 18,...


Ten Ways to Stay Sober

Self-care is critically important, especially in early recovery. Here are some methods to stay balanced, for 12 steppers and non-12 steppers alike. By Katie MacBride Originally published on The Fix My 2016 had a...


Substance Abuse Treatment Begins With Research

Foreword by Chris G: This article describes Dr. Willenbring’s history of research, and the clinic he has set up to provide treatment based on the best scientific evidence available – something typically ignored by...

Gabor Mate

Addiction and Suffering – Gabor Maté

Dr. Gabor Maté specializes in the study and treatment of addiction and trauma. He is well known for his firmly held belief in the connection between mind and body health. Dr. Maté’s bestselling books...


Is Substance Use the Treatment or the Disease?

Editor’s Note: Most of us seem to believe that alcoholism is a kind of treatment: an attempt to resolve an underlying trauma or a “spiritual void” and not, initially at any rate, a “disease” of...

Water Lily

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention

The treatment protocol targets the very roots of addictive behavior. by Carolyn Gregoire Originally published on November 18, 2015 on The Huffington Post A new wave of research on meditation shows that mindfulness-based treatments...


Ayahuasca and Addiction

Over the past two decades there has been renewed interest in the therapeutic use and potential healing effects of psychedelics. Much has been written about that of late, including an article published in the...

The Buddha

The Buddha and Bill W.

By Regina Walker Originally published on March 3, 2015 in The Fix. AA is often accused of being a Christian cult, but it has a lot more in common with Buddhism than many may...

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