Category: God, Religion & Prayer in AA


God of Coincidence

I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves. Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of...


The Doorknob Deity

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. By Tom P. AA saved my life and set me on an exciting journey of...

To Thine Own

AA Without the God?

Is believing in a higher power an essential component of the recovery process? By David Sack, M.D. Published on December 10, 2014 in Where Science Meets the Steps (Psychology Today) It’s a comment I’ve heard...

God the Father

Letting Go of God

We atheists and agnostics in AA have faced a long struggle for acceptance. But newer 12-step fellowships are leading the way to a more tolerant form of recovery – despite a “Back to Basics”...

Back to Basics

A Fellowship of the Religious?

By Thomas B. Prologue Recently at an AA meeting I became aware of something which in my previous 40 plus years of continuous recovery, I had missed. On page 164 of the Big Book, AA...

Father Pete Watters

One’s religion is an outside issue

By Thomas B. Like many folks at AA Agnostica and elsewhere, I’m most disappointed by the decision of the General Service Board and Conference to again not publish the proposed pamphlet, “AA — Spiritual,...

African Mango

God and Diet Pills

By Steve B. I have come to believe that God is to sobriety what diet pills are to weight loss. The diet pills I’m referring to are the over the counter supplements you see...

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