Tagged: recovery

Stormy Seas

My Name is Marnin

By Marnin M. My name is Marnin and I’m an alcoholic and an agnostic/atheist. Marnin is Hebrew for he who brings joy, a singer of songs. In  my youth I was embarrassed to have...

Hungry Ghosts

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

Review by Roger C. Nothing sways them from their habit, not illness, not the sacrifice of all earthly goods, not the crushing of their dignity, not the fear of dying, the drive is that...

Grapevine AA

Without a Higher Power

One size does not fit all for this atheist in recovery By Greg H. (San Diego, CA) Copyright © The AA Grapevine. Originally published by the AA Grapevine in January 2010. Reprinted with permission. This atheist...

The Bird In Your Hands

By Ivan K. A salesman was traveling from Toronto to London and got lost. He stopped at a farmer’s place to ask directions, and this is the conversation between the two of them: Salesman,...

Field of Flowers

Finding Our Way

An agnostic discovers his place in the Fellowship By  Jerry S. Austin, Texas Copyright © The AA Grapevine. Published in October 2012. Reprinted with permission. After being in and around the AA program for more than...



The AA Grapevine published this article by J. L. of Oakland, California, which it called Atheist, in its January 1980 issue. At the time J. L. was eight years sober. When J. L. reached 16 years of...


Mindfulness and the 12 Steps

Review by Roger C. There would appear to be much in common between Buddhist thought and the 12 Step recovery program practiced by some in AA. A number of books have made the connection...

An Atheist at Alcoholics Anonymous

By Frank B. I am crunched tight in the fetal position, whimpering pitifully on a piss-stained carpet covered with a layer of crushed plastic Wild Oak Cider bottles. I have ended pretty much every...

Separation of Church and AA

By Don S. Des Moines We Agnostics I stopped praying in meetings years ago, but held hands while others did. I recently stopped doing that, too. I now remain seated during the prayer. This...


Working The AA Program

By John L. Several years ago, at a meeting of the Boston Crossroads group, a speaker said: “Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship — of people working their individual programs.” This got me thinking. There...


The Varieties of Recovery Experience

The roads to recovery are many. Bill W, 1944. By Roger C. At about 40 pages in length, The Varieties of Recovery Experience is an intriguing essay. Written in 2005, the title is reminiscent of William...

Dark Path

Faye’s Story

By Faye P. My name is Faye and I am an alcoholic. Like everyone else who has made this admission, it was not supposed to be this way… I began drinking at the age...

Let Me Think for Myself!

By Harold B. Punta Gorda, Florida Copyright © A.A. Grapevine, Inc. (December, 1989) I am mad!  Isn’t that a helluva way to start, particularly when I want to say something and have somebody listen? ...


I am Responsible

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that I am responsible. By Larry K. If I move past all...

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