Tagged: Jim Burwell

Jim Burwell

Fifty Chosen Articles: Number Five. Originally posted in April 2012. Early History. Traditional AA is god-obsessed. But without Jim Burwell, the Big Book and traditional AA would be much more religious. By Linda R....

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The “God Bit”

The “God” part in the 12 Steps comes from Bill Wilson. The rest of it, “as we understood Him”, was Jim Burwell’s contribution. But let’s start at the beginning… AA’s soon-to-be co-founders met on...


A Friend of Jim B.

Chapter 9: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Alex M. When I was a small boy the neighborhood kids would gather on weekends to play kickball. We would all line up...

Another Friend Bumper Sticker

Jim Burwell

By bob k Bill Wilson wrote the Twelve Steps in 1938, “one night, late in December. He was frankly pleased with what he had written and was in no way prepared for the violent...

Jim Burwell

By Linda R. Jim Burwell’s contribution to Alcoholics Anonymous is truly significant and second only to that of AA’s two co-founders, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith. Jim is credited with adoption of A.A.’s Third...

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