Tagged: book

Common Sense Recovery

Common Sense Recovery

Foreword to Common Sense Recovery: An Atheist’s Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous, Second Edition By Reverend Ward Ewing From the beginning there has been tension around theism in AA. The connection with the Oxford Group...

An Atheist

Another Atheist In Recovery

Reviewed by Christopher G. If you are new or old in recovery and you have old ideas that aren’t working anymore, you may find, like me, that when you get rid of an old...

My Life in a Few Pages

This is the preface and first chapter of the book: Common Sense Recovery: An Atheist’s Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous by Adam N. Preface Sometimes I feel like a spy. It can be very exciting, kind...


Don’t Tell – Introduction

By Roger C. You can’t solve a problem if you don’t first admit that it exists. That’s just about the first thing we learn in recovery. Almost forty years ago, in July 1976, a...


Don’t Tell

By Chris G. Who are we, we alcoholic agnostic, atheist, free-thinking people who come to this website? I sense that many of us are pretty lonely individuals looking for a community, and many are...

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