Tagged: AA


Choosing an AA Home Group

By Martine R. If I have indeed “come to believe” anything in my 14 years of sobriety, it is that attendance at AA meetings keeps me sober. Nothing else. For several excruciating years after...


Life on Life’s Terms

Chapter 30: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Frank M. I stood there on my front lawn in handcuffs, to this day I’m not sure why. I had swallowed about a...


One Bite at a Time

By JHG Recovering alcoholics are famous for theatrical displays that amount to pole-vaulting over mouse droppings. It’s an entertaining but otherwise pointless spectacle. While staying sober can require tremendous amounts of courage and commitment,...

Bill Wilson Featured

Bill Wilson, Always A Seeker

Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. Big Book, page 164  Research has already come up with significant and helpful findings. And research will do far...

Quad A

Take What You Need and Leave the Rest

Chapter 29: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Chuck K. I sobered up in the Care Unit at St. Elizabeth Hospital on Chicago’s northwest side in June, 1982. Members of AA...


Embracing Our Pain Together

Chapter 28: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA By Alyssa S. I’m sitting here reflecting upon the day of St. Valentine. It is bitterly cold outside. It’s time in my recovery...

Legal Steps

Principles and the 12 Steps

By Patricia K. I have been sober for a while. I got sober before the development of AA meetings for atheists, agnostics and freethinkers. Even though I do not believe in a god, I...


My Alcohol-Addicted Agnostic-Atheist Recovery Story

Chapter 27: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Thomas B. Hello, I’m Thomas B. and I’m primarily addicted to the liquid legal drug, ethanol, preferably Colt .45 – by the case...



By Daniel C. My name is Daniel and I’m an alcoholic. Acceptance to me is one of the most important parts of life. Life happens whether we like it or not. For me acceptance...


Admitting Defeat

By Don B. I was guided into AA in 1981 by my higher power, whom I refer to as “Linda”, my wife. After watching a soap opera devoted to alcoholics and AA, she concluded...

Sinclair Method

Science may one day accomplish this…

By life-j. AA seems to work by a combination of mutual self help and a spiritual practice however you wish to define that. Several million people have gotten sober in AA in this way....

Woman Alcoholic

A Holy Terror of an Alcoholic

Chapter 26: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Cheryl K. A short-lived, yet holy terror of an alcoholic ride commenced when I was arrested, handcuffed, and escorted from High School on...


AA, Alcoholism and Medical Science

AA never really opened up a channel for two way communication with the medical community. By Brent P. Who Me? My name is Brent and I’m an alcoholic, crack addict and opioid addict. So,...


An Activist in Sobriety

Chapter 25: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA John L. Some alcoholics are born that way – periodic drunks, who can stay away from a drink for a long time, but...

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