Category: Book Reviews

Slaying The Dragon

Reviewed by bob k Those among us having a fondness for history are accustomed to being transported to the past, and Mr. White does this deliciously in the second edition of Slaying the Dragon: The History...


Experiencing Spirituality

Experiencing Spirituality: Finding Meaning Through Storytelling By Ernest Kurtz & Katherine Ketcham Reviewed by John M. For many readers at AA Agnostica, there is much in this newly released book that will offend your secular...


A Freethinker in Alcoholics Anonymous

Reviewed by Thomas B. What a gratifying little book John Lauritsen has written about his 46 years of continuous sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous! I spent a wonderful day this week sitting outside in bright...

AA Chips

Agnostic groups: An asset for the future of AA

This is the concluding chapter in the book, Don’t Tell: Stories and Essays by Agnostics and Atheists in AA By Roger C. There are no doubt some who, having read Don’t Tell, will wonder...


Don’t Tell – Introduction

By Roger C. You can’t solve a problem if you don’t first admit that it exists. That’s just about the first thing we learn in recovery. Almost forty years ago, in July 1976, a...


Don’t Tell

By Chris G. Who are we, we alcoholic agnostic, atheist, free-thinking people who come to this website? I sense that many of us are pretty lonely individuals looking for a community, and many are...

Sober Truth

The Sober Truth

The Sober Truth: Debunking the Bad Science Behind 12-Step Programs and the Rehab Industry By Lance Dodes & Zachary Dodes (Boston: Beacon Press, 2014) Review by John M. In this recently published book by...

A History of Agnostic Groups in AA

A History of Agnostic Groups in AA

Review by Chris G. When the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, was being written there was an irritating atheist in the mix: Jim Burwell. He was responsible for the phrase “God, as we understood Him”...

Drink Image


By Amelia C. Ann Dowsett Johnston’s Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol, as the title suggests, is an examination of the special issues that women face as alcoholics and as both participants...

Broken Face

Women and AA

By Amy Gutman The first time I walked into an AA meeting, I knew I was in the right place. It was a small women’s meeting on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where...

Drunk Mom

Drunk Mom

Reviewed by Angie Abdou Whoa. This book knocked the air right out of me. Drunk Mom chronicles one party girl’s head-on collision with motherhood. But Jowita Bydlowska is not your average party girl. She...

The Little Book

Review by Jean S. Updated in January 2021 as a result of a Second Edition This book offers a way forward for the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. The goal of The Little Book is...

Beyond Belief

Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life

Review by Carol M. Finally! A daily reflection book for nonbelievers, freethinkers and everyone, Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life offers 365 quips for every alcoholic/addict. Drawing on quotes from writers, skeptics,...

A Million Little Pieces

A Million Little Pieces

By Roger C. I read an awfully good book recently about addiction and recovery: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Published ten years ago, it is billed as a “memoir.” I have only read...

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