Is listability the new AA?
By Joe C. It’s January 2014 and Vancouver is in the news: the city is winner of the 2025 AA World Conference. Congratulations are in order. There is also controversy brewing in Vancouver, with two agnostic...
By Joe C. It’s January 2014 and Vancouver is in the news: the city is winner of the 2025 AA World Conference. Congratulations are in order. There is also controversy brewing in Vancouver, with two agnostic...
It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. Thomas Jefferson (Notes on Virginia, 1782) By Roger...
Over the past several months there has been an upsurge of interest in starting meetings for agnostics and atheists in AA. Some people have gone ahead and done so, having discovered that all it...
William White is the author of Slaying the Dragon: The History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery in America and co-author with Ernest Kurtz of The Varieties of Recovery Experience By William L. White Some...
By Brent P. It’s conventional wisdom. If, as an organization, you want to be as inclusive as possible and avoid controversy, you don’t allow sex, politics or religion to influence your mandate. Yet in...
My name is Roger and I am an alcoholic. It was snowing on Friday evening, the last day of November, in downtown Toronto. I didn’t know that until I hauled my bicycle out of the porch...
By Joe C. When asked about AA’s lack of rules and why we didn’t need them, Bill Wilson said, “AA is self-correcting.” It may be that Toronto Intergroup’s first controversial action of banning AA...
Talia Gordon is Features Editor at the University of Toronto’s independent student press, The Newspaper. She prepared this article on agnostics in AA for “the boozepaper,” an edition of the paper printed at the...
By Roger C. In the rooms of AA – A third agnostic AA group has been expelled by Intergroup in Toronto. On April 24, Widening Our Gateway, which had been a member of the Greater Toronto...
On Tuesday (March 27, 2012) the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Intergroup voted 59 to 19 against including two agnostic AA groups on its meeting list (hard copy and online) and giving them a voice at Intergroup meetings. The...
The fifth AA agnostic group in Canada is now holding regular meetings in Halifax, Nova Scotia. (There are three groups in Toronto and one in Montreal.) One of its founding members shares the experience,...
Let the wood burn, ladies and gents. It will all be ashes soon. Remember we haven’t done anything wrong, which means we don’t have (anything) to fix. Joe C. By Roger C. Joe C....
By Roger C. The first nonbeliever’s group ever to be booted off an “official” AA meeting list has been re-listed. The Indianapolis We Agnostics group was actually de-listed twice. The first time was in...