Author: Roger

Ten Years Old!

The Growth of Secular AA By Roger C. Early History AA Agnostica was launched a decade ago! The website was created by me and another person on June 15, 2011. It was initially called...

AA Atheist

Chapter 20: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Hanje R. Few residents are in treatment because they choose to be. Most of us are “invited” by the courts, our employers, our...

Websites and The Growth of Secular AA

by bob k On May 31, 2011, Alcoholics Anonymous was dramatically altered, both in Toronto, Ontario and far beyond. In the short run, the changes produced were precisely as they had been intended to...

Staying Sober Without God

Staying Sober Without God: Three Years Later

By Jeffrey Munn I started writing Staying Sober Without God in May of 2018. My intention for writing the book was to put my interpretation of the 12 steps into an easy-to-understand, relatively brief...

My Journey

Chapter 19: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Neil F. On the 12th of April 1986, I drove from Toronto to Montreal and spent the evening drinking with friends. The next...

Anonymity and Recovery Advocacy

By Ray B. MD Hi. I’m Ray, long-timer in addiction recovery and professional educator, disseminating information on the growing body of research evidence supporting recovery management, recovery-oriented care and peer-supported community recovery. I am...

Ann’s Story

Chapter 18: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Ann M. Already in kindergarten I felt different from others. I often felt ashamed and that I couldn’t do things right. I mostly...

Out of the Closet

By Lisa F. When I first came to AA in 2008, I was much too sick and scared to mind the God idea. Looking back, the AA in my small central California city was...

My Path in Alcoholics Anonymous

Chapter 17: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists & Agnostics in AA life j. The path was not easy for this agnostic in AA. I was an atheist when I got sober, as arrogant as...

Courtenay Baylor

By bob k If for no other reason, Courtenay Baylor should be of interest to modern AA members for being the first recovered alcoholic to work as a professionally paid addictions counselor. He set...

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