Tagged: religion

Walking away

My Last Traditional AA Meeting

By Sher G. This story actually starts a bit before my final traditional AA meeting. The single most compelling thing for me when I started going to AA was when faces started to look familiar,...

Back to Basics

A Fellowship of the Religious?

By Thomas B. Prologue Recently at an AA meeting I became aware of something which in my previous 40 plus years of continuous recovery, I had missed. On page 164 of the Big Book, AA...

A History of Agnostic Groups in AA

A History of Agnostic Groups in AA

Review by Chris G. When the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, was being written there was an irritating atheist in the mix: Jim Burwell. He was responsible for the phrase “God, as we understood Him”...

Father Pete Watters

One’s religion is an outside issue

By Thomas B. Like many folks at AA Agnostica and elsewhere, I’m most disappointed by the decision of the General Service Board and Conference to again not publish the proposed pamphlet, “AA — Spiritual,...

Stormy Seas

My Name is Marnin

By Marnin M. My name is Marnin and I’m an alcoholic and an agnostic/atheist. Marnin is Hebrew for he who brings joy, a singer of songs. In  my youth I was embarrassed to have...

Man on Bed III

The Origins of the 12 Steps

By Roger C. One alcoholic talking to another (Step 12) It all began in the waning months of 1934. Bill W, an incorrigible inebriate nearing the end of his rope, was visited at his...

Birds at Feeder

Is There Room Enough in AA?

By J. L. from Oakland, California. Published in the AA Grapevine in October 1987. Copyright ©  AA Grapevine; reprinted with permission. Recently my twenty-eight-year-old son began to recognize his growing problem with alcohol (an episode with...

Paths in blue

We Tread Innumerable Paths

By June L. El Granada, California. Copyright © The AA Grapevine, Inc. Published in November 1996. Desperation, and insistence by my estranged husband forced me to call AA nearly twenty-six years ago. I had misgivings...

Prayer At Meetings: A World View

Many thanks to Nick H, one of the founders of Children of Chaos, an agnostic  group in Austin, Texas. Nick found this article about a decade ago on a website, Sober Times, that no...

An Atheist at Alcoholics Anonymous

By Frank B. I am crunched tight in the fetal position, whimpering pitifully on a piss-stained carpet covered with a layer of crushed plastic Wild Oak Cider bottles. I have ended pretty much every...

Charlie P

Father of We Agnostics Dies

Charlie Polacheck was the co-founder of the first AA meeting ever to be called “We Agnostics” in Los Angeles, California, in 1980. He achieved another first when, in 2001, he launched another “We Agnostics” meeting,...

Separation of Church and AA

By Don S. Des Moines We Agnostics I stopped praying in meetings years ago, but held hands while others did. I recently stopped doing that, too. I now remain seated during the prayer. This...


The Varieties of Recovery Experience

The roads to recovery are many. Bill W, 1944. By Roger C. At about 40 pages in length, The Varieties of Recovery Experience is an intriguing essay. Written in 2005, the title is reminiscent of William...

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