Tagged: atheist

Step 10

This is a chapter from the pioneering book: The Alternative Twelve Steps: A Secular Guide to Recovery. It was originally written by two women, Martha Cleveland and Arlys G., and published in 1991. As valuable today as...

My Life in a Few Pages

This is the preface and first chapter of the book: Common Sense Recovery: An Atheist’s Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous by Adam N. Preface Sometimes I feel like a spy. It can be very exciting, kind...

The Road II

The Road to Santa Monica

By Dorothy H. Voices The voices have come from near and far. There were the voices in Hermosa Beach, near Los Angeles, where attendees at a newly founded We Agnostics meeting greeted the news...


An Atheist in AA

By Megan D. When I entered our Program some 33 years ago, I was a complete cynic about life in general and the term “god” made me nauseous in particular. Actually, I was ‘terminally...

Stormy Seas

My Name is Marnin

By Marnin M. My name is Marnin and I’m an alcoholic and an agnostic/atheist. Marnin is Hebrew for he who brings joy, a singer of songs. In  my youth I was embarrassed to have...

Grapevine AA

Without a Higher Power

One size does not fit all for this atheist in recovery By Greg H. (San Diego, CA) Copyright © The AA Grapevine. Originally published by the AA Grapevine in January 2010. Reprinted with permission. This atheist...

The Bird In Your Hands

By Ivan K. A salesman was traveling from Toronto to London and got lost. He stopped at a farmer’s place to ask directions, and this is the conversation between the two of them: Salesman,...



The AA Grapevine published this article by J. L. of Oakland, California, which it called Atheist, in its January 1980 issue. At the time J. L. was eight years sober. When J. L. reached 16 years of...

Birds at Feeder

Is There Room Enough in AA?

By J. L. from Oakland, California. Published in the AA Grapevine in October 1987. Copyright ©  AA Grapevine; reprinted with permission. Recently my twenty-eight-year-old son began to recognize his growing problem with alcohol (an episode with...

An Atheist's Guide

An Atheist’s Guide to 12-Step Recovery

by Frank M. You’re a thoughtful and well considered atheist. And you’ve noticed recently that you might be dying from the crap you put in your body. A little. Maybe that’s just the hangover...

Paths in blue

We Tread Innumerable Paths

By June L. El Granada, California. Copyright © The AA Grapevine, Inc. Published in November 1996. Desperation, and insistence by my estranged husband forced me to call AA nearly twenty-six years ago. I had misgivings...

RBG Featured

A Higher Power of My Understanding

By Gabe S. I first encountered Alcoholics Anonymous when I found myself in rehab in December 2010. I had, after many months of resistance, followed the advice of my psychiatrist and my good friends...

Jim Burwell

By Linda R. Jim Burwell’s contribution to Alcoholics Anonymous is truly significant and second only to that of AA’s two co-founders, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith. Jim is credited with adoption of A.A.’s Third...

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